Thursday, April 17, 2008

Time to close down! \o/

Really. When a blog becomes a public announcement area for people (usually for ranting, no less), that's when it's time to close it down. Got no more time for this anyway. I can still be contacted via the usual means. In any case, my life isn't exactly too interesting right now (I think).

And besides, closing this place means that I won't spam crap in anger which I'll regret in later time x. Or maybe I'll stay happy from now on.

It's just adding another few more dozen layers of wall to my already huge amount of emotion barriers.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Running away from home.

Running away from home solves nothing. Just as rage and anger. Nothing. Attention seeking as they may be, running away is the worst thing to do.

I've said it once. I don't wish to repeat myself either.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Oz party! Oi Oi Oi!

So, I went to this Aussie birthday party at a bar yesterday night. Nothing fantastic, but I learned quite a few things about the tradition here.

Firstly, the organiser said that the party starts at 7, so I got there early, being used to what comes from in Singapore. Moreover, it was straight after work, so I changed from my work uniform into my party gear and headed there.

Only to look like an idiot as the organiser arrived past 7, and people slowly streaming in. At 10, people were still slowly streaming in. At least me and my co-workers got there a little early and had a few drinks to ourselves.

Secondly, where if you go to a birthday party, you would be expected to bring a birthday gift for the birthday person. At least, that was the case in both HK and Singapore. Here, presents were given rarely. Moreover, people just appear, say their greetings, and buy a drink for themselves, or get a fairly cheap drink for the birthday person (Vodka sunrise? >_> C'mon... Go Martinis!)

Thirdly, people who come in usually stick to their own groups. It was a fairly large party at the club, but people simply mixed with the people they knew. When everyone was trying to mix together, the table was pretty dead and silent. No one buying drinks, no one doing anything. But once the woolworths crew arrived, things finally started heating up (for me, at least) as everyone seemed to have relaxed more as cliques are formed.

Insanely, people here can drink very well. In fact, a little too well. Where I am used to a maximum of 3 drinks a night out (in 3 hours, no less), people here down their drinks in a space of 5 minutes. Forty dollars, which would usually survive any night out, didn't last long there. It was beer, rum & coke, beer, and it kept going on. If you held on to your drink for too long, you got some explaining to do as to why you are taking so long to drink it. Not to mention that the drinks at the bar (Regatta) was crap and hella expensive. The martini was only a double shot, and the rum with coke had almost 85% coke. It felt like I was drinking water half the time. In the end, I had to settle for a Heineken because that's what I call real stuff down here. While there are some really good bars out there (Myer's center is pretty good), that bar just didn't cut it. No idea why everyone keeps going there though.

But it was nice to see the working crew relaxing for a bit with drinks and stuff. Still, it's not exactly my kind of thing, this insane drinking thing.

Lessons learned:

-Arrive late. Not too late, but late is cool. Around 1 hour plus would be fine.
-Save the birthday gift for a drink. Even if it's for a girl.
-Bring cash. Lots of it.
-Eat before going to any drinking party. No one is going to buy food for you.
-Bring more cash, if you are intending to stay.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


A word that takes so little to say, yet means so much.

It does, it really does.


So, what's happening in my life?

Nothing much.


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

"There is no future for me here"

Recently, me and my crew were talking when someone mentioned that out of a sudden. The conversation then turned into a whirlwind of people who suddenly wants to leave that place.

Make no mistake, that is a word from one of the senior crew.

And hey, I don't blame him.

After being forced to work for 60 hours every week, he finally had enough and stepped down from his position, going back to the great hours of 20+ a week. Suddenly, the new manager gets training and a new influx of crew entered the staff. Good for us, but I think when the place realised that the one man army has gone and they need more staff, they got it, even though they refused to release more budget to us for the past year or so.

And oh, did I say I was to be transferred to the Produce department initially? I don't mind produce, life is a lot easier there, but I'm just surprised on how far they are going to just chuck people around. I wonder if they will ever ask me if I would want to go to Produce.



Valentine's day at Noosa.


The Sunshine coast itself is totally different from the Gold Coast. For one, it is really catered to people with their own public transport (My parents would probably flip if they realised I rented my own car). It is also a place where it is more catered for the surfers and the elder generation. Gold Coast is where you go if you want to go insane with the crowd.

Want to relax? Try the Sunshine coast.

Also, there's only one word to describe the Sunshine coast:


The forests, the beaches, they are all fantastic. Unspoilt nature, all for you to see.

But it's slow as hell. If you want the malls, stick to Gold Coast.

And did I enjoy my Valentine's day?

Hell yes.

Pics in Facebook.